Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summer FUN!

This girlie LOVES the pool. Today, Donnie threw her a couple of times and she went way under. She came out smiling when she heard the clapping! Oh...and I thought I should explain her dirty foot! She was in her carseat smashing a gummy Dora treat with her toes. In lieu of bathtime, we had pool time!!!
Tallly Dog and Malaena-Sloan!
Aunt Mary Frances came for a visit, and Malaena-Sloan LoVeD playing with her!
Daddy and Malaena-Sloan!
My mom took Grandpa Miller's mailbox and cleaned it up and incorporated it into her backyard!!! I think it's so neat!

It seems that last week was the first "real" week of SuMmEr!!! We had some pool weather early week and I am committed to teaching Malaena-Sloan how to swim. It seems it will be pretty easy as she is a child that has little fear. She wants to be able to do the things we do.

Our home looks like the preschools. We have a slide and dollhouse inside (the kind that goes in your yard.) Malae loves role-playing. Right now, she has a make-up brush and is applying "pretend" blush! Malaena and Daddy have tea parties several times a day. Sometimes he crawls inside her playhouse and they have one and other times he sits at her little table and they share a spot of tea. They click their glasses and say cheer.

Malaena's potty progress is still unbelievable. She shooeys nearly every time on the potty and also goes #1 before she bathes and before going in the pool. It's still me that doesn't commit to staying home a couple of weeks.

Malae goes to preschool one day a week and is really happy there now! I am loving my job at Bella Bambino Photography and this is going to be a GrEaT week as my new lens will arrive. It's like having a new baby!!!!!


Pineapple Princess said...

How cute is she? Can I just eat her up now?

Whoohoo! A new lens? OMGosh, better than Christmas! Tell us all the details!!

Lori said...

She is just too cute! And she is getting sooooo big!

Robyn said...

What adorable pics!!